Waste Free Halloween

package free grocery store halloween tips
If you are getting into the Halloween spirit, there are ways to do it with less waste with tips from our package-free grocery store…

* Find or make a Halloween-themed trick-or-treat bag that can be reused every year. Try to make it hardy enough to pop into the wash at the end of the celebrations. Similarly, feel free to get creative or keep it simple depending on your skill and energy levels.
* Buy secondhand, borrow, create your own, or check out your Buy Nothing pages rather than purchasing new costumes and decorations each year. Or keep reusing the same ones and see how long you can get out of them! You could even swap with others so that everyone gets a turn at being the best wicked witch in the land.
* Then give out plastic-free unpackaged lollies that you bought from Wasteless Pantry your local package-free grocery store. You can create your own mix of favourites including horrific lolly snakes. Additionally, pop them in your favourite Halloween-themed bowl and use tongs to dispense them for hygiene.
* Make your own scary cookies instead of lollies to mix it up. Check out our recipe.

By role-modeling waste-free options you are helping your community celebrate and spreading the message that plastic-free Halloween events are possible. Imagine if you inspired someone to do it a little better next year too. As well as showing the next generation how it’s done well! Bring on the new normal of using less plastic and making the most of our resources.

Spooky cooking time! Halloween Cookies

With goods from your favourite waste-free shop, Wasteless Pantry, you can make these terrifyingly delicious treats this Halloween. Source bulk foods unpackaged from us to make all your goodies plastic-free and waste-free. As the single-use plastic ban hasn’t reached food packaging yet, importantly, this is your chance to refuse plastic packaging by refilling your own containers or using our bulk food store online for delivery. As well as this, you will be able to buy in the quantities you need without wasting a thing.

To make these scary guys you’ll need:

– 226g (1cup) unsalted butter

– 1cup white sugar

– ½ tsp vanilla extract

– 1 egg

– 2tsp baking powder

– ½tsp salt

– 3cups plain flour


-1.75cups icing sugar

– 3tbsp of any milk

– 1tsp vanilla extract

– ¼tsp salt

– matcha, charcoal & beetroot powder


1. Preheat oven to 175°C

2. In a mixer, beat butter & sugar until smooth

3. then beat in extract & egg

4. In a separate bowl combine baking powder, salt & flour. Slowly add to the mixer until combined

5. Divide in 2-3 chucks, and roll out on a floured surface until 1/4 of an inch thick (we want it to be the thicker side)

6. Bake for 6-8min & let cool on the sheet, until firm enough to transfer to a cooling rack

7. Once completely cooled mix icing sugar, extract, milk & salt until smooth

8. Divide mixture into separate bowls, mixing with matcha, charcoal & beetroot powder, then put into piping bags & get decorating!

Need more inspiration for a plastic-free Halloween from our waste-free shop? Check out our tips on this blog.

Zero Waste Entertaining

The festive season is all about celebrating with good food and great company. As much as I love the idea of preparing a feast, I prefer meals that can be made ahead of time so I can spend more time connecting with guests and less time in the kitchen. With a little planning, you can entertain in a sustainable way by reducing waste and creating delicious, zero-waste meals. Here’s a simple, tried-and-true meal plan for your next gathering.


  • Dukkah, olive oil, and chunks of crusty bread
    Zero waste tip: BYO containers to Wasteless Pantry for the dukkah and oil. Bring your reusable bread bag to the bakery for plastic-free bread, or better yet, make your own!

  • Soya crisps, Nordic crackers, corn chips, and smashed avocado
    Add a little lemon juice to the avocado for a quick and tasty dip, and serve with rice cracker salad or mixed nuts.
    Zero waste tip: BYO containers for snacks from Wasteless Pantry and use a reusable produce bag for the avocado. Serve the snacks in wide-mouthed upcycled jars—just pop the lid back on if they’re not finished, and nothing will go stale.

Main Course

  • Brown Rice Salad
    Super easy to make in about 20 minutes, this salad is perfect for lunch leftovers in the days following your event. Soaking the rice overnight will reduce cooking time.
    Zero waste tip: BYO containers for rice, seeds, currants, oil, and soy sauce. Use what you have on hand—swap red onion for shallots or sultanas for currants to minimize waste.

  • Roasted Vegetables
    Roast whatever veggies you have available, even if they’re looking a bit limp.
    Zero waste tip: Use reusable produce bags when shopping, and skip the peeling—just wash and roast. Reusable baking liners or a lightly oiled tray will eliminate the need for disposable baking paper.

  • Roasted Meat or Chicken Wings
    Choose smaller cuts of meat to reduce cooking time and energy consumption, and serve with a variety of roasted vegetables.
    Zero waste tip: Take your own container to the butcher to avoid plastic packaging. Encourage your guests to fill up on veggies for a healthier, lower-impact meal.


  • Christmas Cake
    This long-lasting cake (up to 3 months!) ensures you’ll always have something on hand for unexpected visitors.

  • Fruit Platter or Grilled Stone Fruit with Cinnamon Sugar
    Zero waste tip: Buy in-season, local fruit to reduce food miles. Leftovers can be used for smoothies or fruit salad. Grab your cinnamon sugar from Wasteless Pantry in a reusable container—it’s a perfect match for grilled fruit.

  • Bliss Balls
    These can be made ahead and frozen in batches, so you’re always prepared for last-minute gatherings.
    Zero waste tip: Get creative with the ingredients—use up what’s already in your pantry, whether it’s macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, or dried apricots. Roll them in coconut or dip them in chocolate for an extra treat!

Final Thoughts

This zero-waste meal plan is customizable, simple, and delicious! It’s also an opportunity to showcase how easy it is to entertain sustainably. By sourcing ingredients from Wasteless Pantry and using reusable containers and produce bags, you’ll reduce packaging waste and food waste while enjoying a festive feast with friends and family.

Practical Gift Giving Guide

Do your Christmases and birthdays often involve exchanging plastic, over-packaged trinkets and novelty gifts that are quickly forgotten? Maybe you’ve even been the recipient of such gifts. It’s so easy to get swept up in the consumerism of the festive season and make rushed purchases, but thoughtful, practical gift-giving can make all the difference.

As someone passionate about living with less waste, I understand the temptation to buy things during the holidays. Who doesn’t love doing nice things for others? But doing something thoughtful doesn’t always mean buying just to give. It’s important to consider the life of the gift you’re purchasing.

Ask yourself these questions when selecting a gift:

  1. Will this gift bring joy for years to come?
    If yes, then it’s a great choice! If not, perhaps just share the fun story of what you found instead.
  2. Does the person have space for it?
    If yes, fantastic! If not, consider consumable gifts that won’t take up room in their home.
  3. Does this gift align with the person’s values or lifestyle?
    If yes, it’s a thoughtful gesture. If not, you may want to reconsider and support them in becoming the person they want to be.

Choosing the perfect gift is challenging, but don’t forget to ask yourself: Does this person even want a gift from me? Sometimes your time, a helping hand, or a kind gesture can be more meaningful than a physical present.

Practical Gift Ideas from the Wasteless Pantry team:

If you feel you must give something, here are a few low-waste, thoughtful ideas:

  • Handmade Tea Blends: Create a custom tea blend using herbs like lemongrass, peppermint, hibiscus, or chamomile. Package it in a reusable container.
  • Fragrant Bath Bags: Fill a soap nut bag with Epsom salts, bicarb soda, and dried herbs for a soothing bath soak.
  • Homemade Soaps: Palm oil-free soaps make a great gift for eco-conscious friends.
  • Chocolate Bars and Rocky Road: Make your own chocolate bark by melting chocolate and adding toppings like nuts, seeds, and dried fruit.
  • Reusable Items: Support friends aiming for a zero-waste lifestyle with reusable coffee cups, shopping bags, baking liners, or stainless steel drink bottles.
  • Recipe Jars: Assemble the ingredients for a favorite recipe in a jar, with instructions attached for easy cooking.

These ideas are just the start! Visit Wasteless Pantry for more eco-friendly gift options and personal advice.